Ckfinder Licence Crack

Ckfinder Licence Crack Rating: 4,3/5 5395 reviews

Ckfinder Licence Key Crack & HTC Desire Froyo stock ROM with Sense. CloneDVD Activation key Patch Keygen serial Crack CloneDVD - CloneBD New CK Finder license. Jan 22, 2016. Ckfinder licence key crack. Ckfinder licence key crack. Ckf?nder crack l?cense. 3 integration crack.. Ckfinder licence key crack. Other failure locations are at cracks in the.. CKFINDER LICENCE KEYGEN. Ckfinder crack- Ckfinder Crack,Serial Keygen. Windows wga crack torrent. CKFINDER 2.1 CRACK.

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CKFinder Keygen</title>
<tablestyle='border: 1pxsolid#999;'>
<thcolspan='2'style='background-color: #eee; color: #333; text-align: center;'>
CKFinder 2.x Keygen
<labelfor='licenseName'>License Name</label>:
<inputtype='text'id='licenseName'placeholder='License Name'/>
<labelfor='licenseKey'>License Key</label>:
<tdcolspan='2'style='text-align: center'>
&copy; 2014-2018 <ahref=''>@nguyenanhung</a>
String.prototype.replaceAt=function (index, character) {
if (index >this.length-1) returnthis;
returnthis.substr(0, index) + character +this.substr(index +character.length);
* Generate Key for ckFinder 2.x
* @param licenseName
* @returns {* string}
functiongenerateKey(licenseName) {
licenseKey ='';
for (i =0; i <=31; i++) {
licenseKey += chars[Math.floor((Math.random() * (chars.length-1)))];
zeroChars = chars[4] + chars[9] + chars[14] + chars[19] + chars[24] + chars[29];
licenseKey =licenseKey.replaceAt(0, zeroChars[Math.floor((Math.random() * (zeroChars.length-1)))]);
licenseKey =licenseKey.replaceAt(3, chars.substr(((licenseName.length+chars.indexOf(licenseKey[1])) *9% (2<<4)), 1));
licenseKey =licenseKey.replaceAt(12, chars[(chars.indexOf(licenseKey[11]) +chars.indexOf(licenseKey[8])) *9% (chars.length-1)]);
twentyFiveChars = chars[7] + chars[15] + chars[23] + chars[31];
licenseKey =licenseKey.replaceAt(25, twentyFiveChars[Math.floor((Math.random() * (twentyFiveChars.length-1)))]);
return licenseKey;
document.getElementById('generateBtn').onclick=function (event) {
licenseName =document.getElementById('licenseName').value.trim();
if (licenseName '') alert('Please enter License Name!');
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Active3 years, 7 months ago

On the one hand there is

CKFinder or the people behind it have always been very vague about their licenses when we asked information about them, so we aren't really fond of using their commercially licensed products.

So I've looked for an alternative and found which comes with an LGPL license, perfect for use in a commercial application that just wants to use the file browser and not modify it.

Now they both look very similar and my question is: is KCfinder a legal alternative to CKfinder? Or is it an exact and modified copy?

Does anyone know this or can find this out?

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closed as off-topic by usr2564301, JasonMArcher, user1942027, Daniel Nugent, HaveNoDisplayNameMay 27 '15 at 0:11

  • This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

3 Answers

Yes. Just because KCFinder has a similar name and interface doesn't mean that it violates the license of CKFinder. To do that, it would have to reuse the CKFinder code, and the author says he developed KCFinder 'because I was unable to find a usable free alternative of the commercial CKFinder.' There's no reason to assume that he copied any code. If he had, the author of CKFinder would have undoubtedly found out, and it would no longer be available.

Its being featured on the SourceForge Blog should erase any doubt. blog

1,4961 gold badge11 silver badges21 bronze badges

A good alternative is elFinder (
Licensed under a 3 clauses BSD license.

Ckfinder Licence Crack

At least the name is clearly a low level marketing attempt to confuse users and disturb CKFinder. There is a good chance that this is a trade mark violation.

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Ckfinder Crack License

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